
A typical scenarioAsh has the First Responder kit tonight, at 19:03 he receives a call from ambulance control,

"Hello, First Responder phone"

Control:"Hi, we have a red call for you in Manningtree, are you able to attend?"

Ash: "Yes, what's the detail please?"

Control: "67 year old male with chest pains, 113 Fleet Street, Manningtree"

Ash "Okay thank you." Ash rings off, puts on his hi visibility jacket and leaves the house, noting the time of the call.

In the car Ash has the kit bag containing local maps but, living in the area, knows the location anyway, enabling him to drive directly to the address, obeying all speed restrictions and road signs. First Responders have no exemption from road traffic laws and have to adhere to them at all times. As he approaches the one way section in the High Street, an oncoming vehicle sees the signs on Ash's car and, despite having right of way, allows Ash to pass through first.

On arriving, Ash parks his car near the address with it's hazard lights on giving the ambulance crew a clear sign when they approach and being careful to leave sufficient parking space for the ambulance.

Taking the equipment bag and defibrillator Ash notes his arrival time and approaches the house where the door is opened by Mrs. Smith, the wife of Mr Smith who is the patient. Mrs Smith had done as the control asked when she called 999 and locked their dog in the kitchen and left an outside light on to help identify the address. Ash introduces himself as a First Responder and tells Mrs Smith that an ambulance is also on it's way. He is shown to the patient who is slouched on the sofa.

Ash assesses the general situation and asks specific questions of the patient and his wife to gain a clearer view of what has happened and why. He reassures them and begins the care protocol. Ash uses a pulse-oximeter which tells him Mr Smith's oxygen levels are low and administers oxygen through a new mask. Ash continues with his assessment of the patient taking pulse readings, monitoring oxygen levels, and recording the patients breathing rate for any improvement or deterioration as well as questioning further for details of any other signs and/or symptoms, allergies, medication the patient may be taking, past and present medical history, last meal taken together with events leading up to the condition.

Ash discovers that Mr Smith suffers from angina and usually treats it himself with a GTN (glycerine trinitrate) spray but he hasn't taken it this time as he isn't sure where it is. Mrs Smith says she has seen in it the bathroom and goes to get it. As First Responders are not allowed to administer any medication Ash encourages Mr Smith to use the spray for himself which he does and Ash records the patient has administered one dose.

There is a knock on the door and Mrs Smith leads the ambulance crew into the room where Ash quickly briefs them with all of his observations which have been recorded on a standard patient record form. The ambulance crew then take over responsibility for the patient but Ash stays on hand in case any assistance is needed with moving the patient or equipment.

When the ambulance crew release Ash, he asks them to sign his paperwork, giving them a copy. He then calls ambulance control to inform them of his arrival time to the patient and to tell them that he is now available for further calls. The control room ask Ash if he is okay after the job.

This is a completely fictitious scenario written to outline the role of a Responder, how calls are dispatched and the processes which are followed for most calls. All names are imaginary (except for Ash who is a volunteer First Responder!) and Fleet Street does not exist in Manningtree.